i would - like to do this - if they would have me. which they mightn't, because there is a one-year commitment beginning next january, and i'll be gone by july, or august, at the latest. but, assuming they don't mind and take me anyway - well - from january onwards, the asian civilisations museum will begin to offer mandarin-language tours. therefore they're recruiting docents and i would like very much to try out except (von please don't laugh at me) i know i'm inarticulate and very bad at speaking to big groups but i would like to try. there's a 14 week training course beginning in august, and the classes are held on weekends. nus lecturers, national heritage board folks and other researchers and experts will conduct classes on southeast asian history, art, philosophy, religion, and other cultural traditions, including singapore and peranakan culture, as well as the museum's history and the art of curation. plenty of assessments and and a final project of designing your own tour. and then conducting tours every weekend from january onwards. there's an info session this saturday at 2.30pm at the empress place acm auditorium i'm going if any of you guys are too please go!