it really is a simple operation. the two kinds of almond give it the aroma, the fungus gives it a crunch, the rock sugar for taste, and the dates for colouring. throw in pot, brew till white fungus blossoms and red dates swell up and ready to serve. one reason that my white fungus soup was not happening, however, was that i kept tasting it every 2 minutes and if anything remained to become soup i would have been surprised. fortunately, being so exhausted from the maddeningly long day (2 hour thesis conferences and being advised to read roman jakobson, and having to decide if my project is going to be historical, syntagmatic or theoretical - the trouble is, i want them all) i fell asleep in mid-conversation with yen and minyin, and woke up 4 hours later to the soft but persistent sound of the pot cover rattling and the distinct smell of almonds. success, i announce to everyone, and particularly to yen, that's what we're having friday. i always marvel how a very small piece of dried mu-er can blossom so much when cooked.

just one week with me, and night watch is being recalled. no one can tell me that's for work, just a more unscrupulous pratchett fan. maybe it's time to start my own collection.

i'm bloody tired. back to bed.