from Caddy Ever After:

With his eyes closed he looks dead. He always has, but no one has ever got used to it. This is bad luck for Indigo. It means that ever since he was a baby frightened people have been shaking him awake to make sure he is still alive. Over the years Indigo has grown more and more difficult to wake up.


Tom used to say that Saffron was the most shattering-looking girl in the school, and that Sarah was the second most, but I would put it the other way round, and so would Rose.

“Do you think I will be shattering-looking when I am as old as Saffron and Sarah?” Rose asked me and Tom once, and Tom said, “Good grief, I hope not, Permanent Rose!”


I can only think of two things that Rose is good at. One is art and the other is loving. She is rubbish at everything else


“Haven’t you any pride?” demanded Sarah.
“About Tom?”
“No,” said Rose.


Not that it is ever any good telling someone who they should, or should not, go out with. I have learned this living with my sister Caddy. You could subtly guide her judgement by saying, for example, "your boyfriend patted my bum," but that was the most you could do. And it hardly ever worked.


Eve, in a valiant attempt at domestic normality, invited him to our house for Sunday lunch.

Eve loathes cooking and usually leaves Sunday lunch to 1) Bill 2) Indigo 3) Fate (in order of availability), so no wonder she was visibly enchanted when Oscar told her that he never ate lunch. “Darling!” she exclaimed so approvingly that Oscar went on to explain that not only did he not eat lunch, but also he did not eat breakfast, dinner, or supper.

“Or tea?” asked Rose.

“Or tea,” agreed Oscar, and added (complacently) that he was therefore impossible to cook for.

So that was how Oscar acquired Eve as a fan.
