i couldn't do work all of yesterday because i had no kettle. it was at von's. without hot water i can't work and am going to the kitchen every three minutes to boil some and it disorientates me and prevents me from accomplishing the work that i ought to! (okay, i know, that's rich coming from me) but it is true i managed to do even less work than i ordinarily do on a weekend, and that is shocking little even for me! also i think i left my black nightie there too. i thought i stuffed it in my bag over my laptop, but apparently not. it is my curl up and do work nightie the others are all too frivolous for serious-minded work. and i've rearranged the furniture in my room and probably shot the fengshui to hell and am not so sure it was such an inspired rearrangement anymore. what a life i lead: i'm kettle-less, nightie-less, aickman-less and the bed's facing the wrong way and we have no wireless. *howl*