incomprehensible conversations 2:

while at poach's last night she thrust a green bound copy at me: our sec one geog project! (group members: poach, jackie, feiyan, me and supposedly shaoyi. aim: to survey the landuse and traffic conditions in the cbd area) preserved for over 12 years! and in the introduction and "trip record" i found this conversation that supposedly took place while we were looking for bras basah road:

After this, we wander around. Suddenly...

"Wah! This is actually Victoria St.!"
"Bras Basah Complex is over there, mah, so how can be Victoria St.? Makes no sense!"
"Wait, you Singaporean, right?"
"Yah, so what? You are straying from the point!"
"If you go to America, it won't become Singapore, right? Same with Bras Basah Complex! Think about it."
"Wah, so chim."

someone should explain that to us.