as i have now met him i feel less bashful laying my sorrows at his door which is why i shall boldly claim heath responsible for ruining me. he has ruined me by bringing marion chesney to my notice at this dangerous time of life when i am a woman with four classes and outstanding incompletes. there was a time von started me on pratchett, but i was only in college skipping classes. and su-lin started me on diana wynne jones, but then i was only avoiding writing my grad school applications. yen started me on elizabeth peters, but then i was going deaf and no one could berate me. they each wrote so very many books, and are living still to write more, and as if that wasn't bad enough, now there is this marion chesney to reckon with. my total downfall is surely imminent. i only hope i can likewise bring him down with the many literary edwardian children of nesbit.