today is the day the evil straits times starts charging for access, but they won't get me that way. zaobao remains free, and that is where i shall be getting my home news. as i've revived the chinese blog but don't much want to write there i'm going to update it weekly with a collection of links to interesting zaobao articles, reviews or significant home news. sort of like a chinese arts and letters daily in weekly edition.

as this one is going to expire tomorrow though i'll link it on this blog now.



 全书的内容分成:西游记、东游记、梦游记3个板块,每一部分收录我们熟悉或不熟悉的作家、诗人与学者十几二十位。  之所以有这样别有用心的“板块”分法,原因是:西游是指那些到法国、美国、英国、苏联的学生及作家,主要有:徐志摩、傅斯年、老舍、闻一多、林语堂、李劼人等;东游是欧美人士到中国来的人士,主要有:庄士敦、奥尼尔、高罗佩、燕卜荪等;最有趣的是梦游记,所介绍的人物是中国文化的向往者,他们可能不会阅读中文,却对中国文化有五体投地的爱心和敬佩,主要的有:魏雷(韦理)、斯耐德、庞德、罗厄尔等。