methinks von is too industrious. he knows i rely entirely on him to point out all my blunders in spelling and grammar and to deride my lack of common sense, but when he insists on correcting espen lind to aspen lind, not once but twice, i must protest that he may be ji dan li tiao gu tou-ing. he can do lots that i or anyone else can't do but one of the things he can't do is to go around renaming people, who have already been named by their doting parents. possibly this is an extension of his plant-naming fickleness. he did point out however that i meant conan the barbarian, not cohen, so on that point i stand corrected. i am going to the dining hall in search of a fried egg, which i've suddenly developped a taste for. up till five days ago, my usual wont was an omelette. all i need is some see yew and i'll be really happy. but now i go.