i rather feel like reading the rest of the thursday next stories. i think there are two more in the series: lost in a good book, and the well of plots. the title of the second appeals to me of course, for the same reason haroun and the sea of stories did. as far as i can see they're mostly out of the libraries except for angmokio and marine parade. i could go to marine parade to get it; it wouldn't be near or conveniently linked by a straight bus or the train, though it's not all that far for me either, a 35min trip. and i suppose i should read them now, while i am in the mood. the eyre affair was delightful, but i certainly am not a "fan" of thursday next, and i can also see how i might find it tedious after a while. in the "alright, v funny, but i know what this is all about" way, the way you get tired of authors and need a break. uh-uh.