i am dismayed that 虞美人, papaver rhoeas, turned out to be just the field poppy, of which many grew in flanders field among the crosses row on row, that is the crosses, the flowers weren't in rows. such different connotations the same flower holds. the alluring and valiant lady, who loved her fiery, imperious, hot-headed warlord husband, and how she enchanted and solaced and stood by him patiently and bravely through his defeats and danced for him till the last and drew his sword across her neck and fell dying before him so that he may battle his way through that last struggle unburdened by the woman he loved and could not leave behind. and where she died the flower grew. i always thought it was a more exotic flower, when you read about it you know, and for it simply to be the poppy of european wars is a let down. this is not 罂粟, papaver somniferum the opium poppy.