the snow had stopped by late afternoon, and the strong winds of yesterday had died down. there was a white stillness out of doors, and snow lay in a light blanket underfoot. darryl and i went to dinner at the forest cafe. it was delightful and cosy - green plastic baskets full of nachos and salsa, magaritas, wonderfully crispy pork morsels wrapped up in flour tortillas with guacamole, then a bowl of little scallops in a gravy of of chilaca, goat cheese and sherry, and finally grilled chicken enchildas with black beans, rice and chocolate-raspberry mole. (mole! i said delightedly, of course we have to get that! i like mole!) and then we go back to wendell and try darryl's blood orange ginger cake. robert dudley made foot prints in the snow. and there were stargazer lilies on the table.