* = minz
^ = julian
# = poach
~ = su-lin
" = von
+ = yen
& = choonping
| = addy
\ = yvonne
(i seem to be running out of symbols)


beowulf *\
chaucer: troilus and criseyde*, canterbury tales
sir gawain and the green knight * ~ & \
langland: piers plowman. (B text)
the croxton play of the sacrament, everyman *, the york creation, crucifixion, harrowing of hell, last judgement.
julian of norwich: a revelation of divine love


wyatt: poems
spenser: faerie queene \
sidney: astrophil and stella* ~ &
marlowe: jew of malta
shakespeare: richard 3 *^\
winter's tale ^\
merchant of venice *^~#"+|\
a&c *^~#+& |\
hamlet *^~#"+&|\
as you like it ^
venus and adonis *
herbert: the temple*
donne: songs and sonnets\
marvell: poems #\
milton: paradise lost * & \ , samson agonistes*
jonson: poems, the alchemist.

up to 1790

dryden: all for love
pope: dunciad
wycherley: country wife *#
swift: poems
richardson: pamela
sterne: tristram shandy
defoe: roxana
johnson: vanity of human wishes *
gray: elegy. * ~ # +

to 1900

blake: marriage of heaven and hell
wordsworth: prelude 1805 version
byron: manfred *
keats: odes, letters \
austen: sense * ^~
eliot: mill on the floss*~#\
dickens: our mutual friend *
c bronte: villette*~#
tennyson: poems *
browning: poems * \
hopkins: poems
wilde: importance of being earnest *^#"~+&

british and world lit since 1900

hardy: return of native *#
conrad: secret agent *^
yeats: poems \
joyce: portrait of the artist *^\
shaw: pygmalion *~#|
lawrence: women in love *#
t.s. eliot: poems \
auden: poems \
woolf: the waves #\
beckett: krapp's last tape
coetzee: disgrace *^#\
rushdie: east west * " \
ishiguro: artist of the floating world *^
stoppard: travesties*
churchill: cloud nine*

american lit to 1900

bradstreet: poems
franklin: autobiography.
emerson: essays
thoreau: walden "\
hawthorne: the marble faun*
whitman: poems
melville: moby dick
douglass: narrative of the life of frederick douglass
dickinson: poems *\

since 1900

james: the ambassadors
faulkner: as i lay dying * ^ #
stein: tender buttons *
wharton: house of mirth * #
pound: pisan cantos
frost: poems
stevens: poems #
hemingway: short stories
plath: poems
wright: native son
o'neill: iceman cometh
pynchon: crying of lot 49 * " ^
merrill: book of ephraim
kushner: angels in america*