it being the last market day yesterday, i bought enough apples to feed an army. the sign said "hard - good keepers for winter" so currently i am breaking all my teeth on one. i often go into the laundry room and stare at rows of machines filled with already washed clothes but do i complain? no, i wait till the owners come along and free them up, which might be as late as an hour later. i was 20mins late today and someone had to go dump all my clothes on top of the machine. *crossly* some people have no patience. i told yen that i was doomed, and she said i sounded like von, only with less 'o's. heh. doomed because the gre essay questions are singularly inane, annoying and i can't see how i can have 30mins worth of anything to say about them. and the rare few that are not stupid and are interesting seem to be about such broad topics that i don't see how it's possible to write on, say, determinism, in so short a time. i need to develop some opinions overnight. in the meantime, to take my mind off greek for 15mins, we're talking about eyeshadow. i like green. i picked up this one at inc when i was home, called algae. (already i can see all the guys reading this thinking that the name sound terribly unpromising) and pale pinks and purples that are almost white. and blue. all shades of blues. smokey greyblues and shimmery seablue and pale pastel blues and stark dramatic blue-purples and a peacock shade i got last year from inc called atlantis. *beam*. eyeshadows are sexier than lipstick, i think. i am so going to fail tomorrow's midterm. not do badly but fail. it's going to happen. but two things when looking at my vocab list made me happy. first, remember the echthroi in madeleine l'engle? echthros is from the greek, echthros, a, on, the hateful, the hated, the detestable, and also echthros, echthrou (m), a personal enemy, one who is hostile. and then i saw horme, hormes (f), from which we get our word hormone. meaning an assault, or a violent movement. so what we do by our impulses, our hormonal urges, are really aggressive things! haha, didn't we always know that too much testosterone was the cause of war? yen told me that the word friend comes from an old english word meaning free. is that right? friendship is freedom then? friend has to be from a germanic root though. friend is a rather standalone word isn't it? all our other words for friendship has to do with am-words, amicable, for one, like amicus, ami, amigos. the greek of course is philos. we were talking about the word philos and i told yen that if philos is a lover what is a phillip? actually i cheated, because that would of course get me the response: lover of lips? i really should have said, phillhip, i.e. philos + hippos = horse lover! yen says that in which case she'd have guessed hippo lover, but she wouldn't be much wrong. hippos + potamos (river). remember the chinese? he2 ma3. there you go. that begs the question, if potamos is river, why's the potomac river the potomac? that's a tautology. the river river. like bukit timah hill. (timah hill hill). here's a word i like, apodidrasko, apodrasomai, apedran, apodedraka: to escape by stealth, run away. and now there's no running from midterm tomorrow. i must to work.