grumping it along today, although i amn't in a bad mood at all. soon the weekend will be upon me for a break and to catch up on much neglected latin and readings. there was a message on my voicemail yesterday, asking for an interpreter on monday for a "rather long appointment". this makes me laugh, because whenever they say "short appointment, about 45mins to an hour" it always takes close to two hours, frequently longer, so if they're telling me it's a long appointment of "about two hours", no doubt i'll be there all night. i feel slightly bad, seeing i don't have classes monday afternoon, and a female interpreter is preferred for a pregnancy testing, but i didn't return the call. i've got to be selfish about things, because i'm running out of time, and especially when i've decided to continue interpretation with another patient. hopefully someone else called back and took the job. didn't go to peter brooks yesterday. was curious to hear him, but didn't feel like budging after i got home. also thought i didn't want to hear about a realist vision that much, not if milbank and nohrnberg were both certain to attend, or at least he's more or less in her field and he went to the last talk. he says i should be home working full-time on the project! and well i should. at least, that's what i tell myself. erm.

i've been sleeping on the floor since monday, first using the sleeping bag as a mat to sit on while spreading my barang over my bed, and later, when i got tired, dragging the comforter off the bed and going to sleep on top of the bag. a surprisingly enjoyable experience, the bag is cool and smooth beneath you and the firmness of the floor is a change from a saggy mattress. i wonder whether where you sleep affects dream activity. mine are practically rampant since i've moved down here.

and now, i should go get some breakfast. did i say more about my second nasi lemak? i swear you can taste the cream and oil on each grain of rice. is it possible i am still walking? if the dining hall doesn't kill me, i myself will.