got my hair slashed off and i'm not any less hot, just a tad lighter. actually i'm not so sure i like it. so far i've liked everything else my hairdresser has done - which include: a) a neat, shoulder-length bob, gently graduated at the sides and very sweet, b) long tousled waves around the shoulder and c) just before i came back to school in january, very layered, messy hair which i really liked but which lasted me about three weeks of school and then it grew out. i rather hoped she'd do the same thing today, but what i now have is a kind of inverted bob mostly coming to just under my ear and then curling messily all over my shoulder, gets in my eye all the time. but oh well, it's only hair. it'll look different in a few weeks. and then we can try something else! i'd like to add that i have a new phone in this same entry, but i don't so i can't, and that's that. GROWL.