*upset* i have lost my hat. a purple furry hat that i really loved. it must be somewhere in my residential area, because i had it on my head when i was left home. i whipped it off when i got downstairs becos it was less cold than i had expected and stuffed it half way into my pocket. then realising i didn't have my keys, i ran upstairs again, fumbled in various pockets for my keys and ran down, walked out to the bus stop, saw the bus, ran for it. as soon as i had sat down on the bus i realised it wasn't in my pocket anymore. i thought of getting off the bus and going back to look for it, but i was sure i was going to be late, and by the time i came home it was too dark to really look for it and though i made two trips along the way i had come i didn't see it. i really hope no one has made off with it. i shall go look again when it's daylight. meanwhile, very worried about being skewered by greek tomorrow. comme ca. *skewer*