inexplicable, at least short of voodoo, or a miracle (as pratchett says, just because it's unfortunate doesn't mean it's not miraculous), i have lost my hearing overnight, in my left ear. i saw a specialist and went to mount e to have tests done and it seems it's a neural failure. not curable. at 23. good grief. oh well. i have one good ear still and there's always sitting in the first row of any classroom and hearing aids. if i'm flippant it's cos i'm scared. they wanted to admit me but i wanted to come home so here i am home, bed-confined for a couple of days and out of my mind with boredom and sneaking out to check mail. more, but not any time soon. anyway. what i want to know is, can anyone come to hougang on monday morning or afternoon to give english tuition to my kid? i have to go to mount e again and her prelims are on wednesday i can't be heartless and abandon her. i set her the nov 2002 paper to do and i'm getting her essay by email. whoever just has to come over and go over it with her. i have a TYS here to lend. you can stay for lunch/dinner afterwards! and please bring me new and frivolous books.