i have got my heart set on a hedgehog. well bats would be better but i haven't got any windows that open so even if i could induce some to live with me they couldn't fly in and out. i haven't got an attic or a tree either, so where would they live? no eaves to hang a bat house from and if i had and did harvard property management would come down on me for it. and manatees are out of the question. so a hedgehog. pets are not allowed but i do think a hedgehog could be kept without undue attention being drawn to it. i understand they are very clean, easily toilet-trained, odorless, disease-resistant, are good-natured, like being alone, and tend to be most active at about 2 or 3 in the morning which is perfect for a grad student. i also found the website of a woman based in boston who breeds hedgehogs and i think i will get in touch with her when i get back from singapore.