*mournfully* i would like a spudnut.

spudnut spudnut spudnut.

aside from that i guiltily remember that i should have called daniel heins much earlier so that we could have gone to lunch or dinner sometime today. if i had it might all have worked out perfectly; this being a public holiday, his wife wouldn't have to work. tomorrow might be too short notice, and sally would have to get off work before we could go, which, being my last night in charlottesville, i would really prefer to spend by myself.

i have done it now, putting off calling people. because now i have really run out of meal hours and still have too many friends i haven't met up with. i feel bad too because i don't see daniel much at all and he and his wife have been very friendly to me. we were to have organised some kind of nohrnberg dinner for all the graduate students, but that never materialised, and although we offered to let him in on the nohrnberg lunch, talking it over with bob i was too jealous of my precious nohrnberg time to share it with anyone else - i reasoned he was going to have nohrnberg for another 3 or 4 years, after all, whereas my nohrnberg time, here, now, has run out. i should also have called carol jackson, who must be very cross with me, only the three times i tried to call her, she wasn't in, and it's no good me leaving a message, since she can't call me back. which i'd better go try again right now, while the thought is in my head. i go.