i can never understand the 'ordre public' provisions in patent law. even assuming we can all agree on what an "immoral invention" is, not giving someone a patent doesn't make an invention illegal, doesn't prevent their continuing to research, produce and utilise their invention; or for them to offer it to anyone else for use, or profit from selling it. all it does is to stop them from being an exclusive supplier. if the objection is really morality, what's the point of that? in fact, not letting them patent it means that more people can more readily and inexpensively use, make and distribute this "immoral" invention. prohibit the invention outright, if you really must. say you're not allowed to clone a human being, or destroy an embryo, or make a chimera, whatever. even call it immoral if you really want. but what has the patent system go to do with it? we can't be seen to reward immoral inventions? (how righteous.) to reduce production incentive? (better; though how free-market.)