my father wishes that i wouldn't forget my keys when i go out, because when i do i would call on the doorstep in the middle of the night and say "er, pa, can you come downstairs and let me in?", which is generally not considered responsible young adult behaviour. forgetting the keys in the day is alright, because i can count on our maid being there to let me in. that, and never locking my door in school these last years, has made me careless about keys, so that everytime i come home, it takes a few late nights and being locked out before the remorse of waking your poor old father up in the middle of the night because you weren't sensible enough to carry a key is reactivated, and i start prodding various pockets of my bag for a reassuring metal clump before leaving home. tonight when i came in i could see the study light was on, so they must have heard the soft clang of the gate when i came in, and he must have sighed a moment later, when they didn't hear the lock turn in the door next. he sounded prepared when he answered the phone, and i can hear the mater saying to him "you mei dai suo shi?" (didn't bring her keys out again?) he forbore from comment when i came in, and i padded up the stairs quickly. tomorrow i will need to organise a keyhunt.