thus always must i be deceived by the shining sun? my ears, poor victims, will not survive many more hours in this wind. i resolve not to go out of doors without a hat and a scarf from today, whatever it looks like outside. very hungry, and after meeting my french partner to go over the roleplay scenarios i trotted along to the japanese restaurant down the road for lunch where i sat behind a man with a tattoo on the back of his neck that said long2 (dragon) in fan2 ti3. it was very distracting. and at one point three classics professors came in. (sara myers and jenny clay, the third i didn't recognise but i assume he was also a classics professor) even though i was hungry and the food muchly appetising, i couldn't finish my lunch. why is this so? poach commented on it too, in new orleans, about this shrunk ability to eat. this better be temporary otherwise i might start thinking i'm not singaporean.

and cindy, i got your card today!!! it took a long time to get here! very pretty flowers! and the p.o. stuck a strip of sticky something down one side so i can't read the beginning of your sentences but thanks! and your writing is starting to look like addy's!! it's rounder than your usual and the way your letters join up have a distinct addy-ness!

i went to prof nohrnberg for a scolding - i think he's amused (or maybe bemused too?) that he's now the disciplinarian, or at least i'm making him be mine. mostly, as all of these nohrnberg consultations go, we end up talking about everything in general (hardy, his high school physics class, teachers) and listening to his anecdotes - eventually he chucked me out because he'd promised to go home and assemble the christmas tree - i don't know why but i had assumed that american families used real trees unless they lived in an apartment or something! or at least i thought the reason people used fake trees in singapore was just that they don't grow in our kind of climate but where you could get real trees people must do. and i heard a lovely story about his father and the christmas tree. they couldn't afford one, so his father went to a place that sold trees and asked for the lopped off branches. he brought them home, drilled holes in a broomstick, and fixed the branches on for their christmas tree. i think that was a beautiful story, and i missed dining hall hours, having double tricked myself with my watch (i couldn't remember if i'd set it an hour in advance or not.)

i am terrifically sleepy and hungry. i am actually going to eat jello too. and do my latin and greek. i suppose. i'll never get my work done. argh.