as the time for doom approaches, i can't help thinking, with great consterrnation, of nohrnberg's comment on my inability to meet deadlines: "her conscience is big but her concentration is small"

bob says that sounds very much like one of yoda's pronouncements about luke.

i have a huge star wars gap in my consciousness. i need to watch the movies. i need to watch more movies in general. what other movie "epics" are there besides star wars that i need to watch to be more in-tune with americans? i don't have harry potter or lotrs gaps (at anyrate those things fit into the british me, not the american side). and i've seen the godfather movies finally. (hi ashraf!) when this thesis is over in 3 weeks i will go sit in clemons and watch movies all day.

yes dreaded t-word.

i should write but all i want to do is to take out more books. sigh. bob says i've read a lot already and nohrnberg said i'm ready to write but i don't feel this at all. i now feel like looking up kenneth burke's pyschology of form which bob has and might lend (or not. he'll prob say not to read anymore) and also that jonathan cullers has an essay on riddles which i really should go find i wonder what book it's in. i'm bloody disorganised. bob was going home after office hours yest so i asked if he minded having a stalker for 30mins or so. he said sure so i trotted home along with him

i am in a very janacek mood. i have been ever since max first saw ada in discovery of heaven. i'm listening to the makropoulos affair prelude and thinking that science fiction in opera is rather intriguing. i heard half a program on the life of janacek over the radio when i was browsing in a bookshop last year but i couldn't hear too well and wasn't sure what pieces were used.

i should go shower and get some breakfast.