a rapid poll. i have 2 days to file graduation paper work. i have the same amount of time to declare a minor in latin. apparently i can't declare a minor after i hand over my forms, so i must make up my mind now. i have a whole assortment of classics classes - the latin 101-202 sequence, and i will have the greek 101-202 sequence by the end of next year. i have a myth class and i have a 300 level latin class in ovid. none of this is enough for a major or minor. or at least they are the wrong distribution, BUT if i take a roman civilisations class and another 300 level latin class, i'd have enough for a latin minor. i was going to take the latin class (virgil) in any case, so it's a matter of whether to take the roman civ, and, even if i do that, whether i want to declare a minor anyway. i really can't be bothered to go file the paperwork. goodness knows what there is to do - signatures to get and people to chase down. and i'm having a hard enough time remembering all the english department forms, which i'm losing twice a day. i know it sounds very harebrained and impossible, but i keep forgetting about it and then i keep putting them down and then they disappear. also, when i decided not to do a classics major, i thought i'd just do as many classes in the classics department as i can manage, and nevermind what it says on the degree. barbara nolan says you don't need an official notation it's what you learn that counts. and anyway nohrnberg always says your degree is in your earning it and not your receiving it. so why i should suddenly go declare a minor now i don't know. i can read latin. that's the only thing that matters isn't it? but lately my classmates and teachers and everyone else seems to think i should. does it matter? really reallly? why? does it look nicer for the record? hm. well i suppose since i'm going to have enough classes i might as well declare, but then argh can you imagine how troublesome it is? i can't keep track of paperwork. i really think they should have a computer that keeps track of your classes and automatically kicks you out of school when you've had enough classes. or they should let you do it online. having to shuffle paper is positively third world.