i would have written a far longer journal last night, in fact i was happily writing abt thurber before i'd gone off for my afternoon class, but when i came home a fever grew and a nasty headache, and then i lost my temper at von over something small (but he is damn patronising lah) so i went to bed. i don't think i'll go to classes today i am feeling no better my throat is now hurting and it's practically fall break, for gdness sake. su-lin called last night and we ran up a fine bill on her new phone, and nohrnberg gave 4 classes on henry iv which was the one play i decided not to read, and which i have then to kick myself for not reading, everytime i show up for class ready for julius caesar and he decides to do yet another hiv lesson. we are now 2 and a half classes behind schedule. and now i'm going back to sleep my head is bursting