that descent, which had been vaguely promised, or threatened, earlier in the semester, has now taken a terrifying and exhilarating shape. yeen teck said last night that he's packing addy, yen and von in the car and appearing on my doorsteps november first. i dread the thought of having more than two at my place and have fears for my sanity and i'm quite sure charlottesville isn't ready for five of us together. but at least we don't have choonping as well. hee.

oh hell, it's tuesday already. the whole break has gone by. haven't revised any greek for the coming midterm nor prepared tomorrow's lesson. haven't revised any latin. i started to, but after 200 lines i said ah what the hell and just took my takehome without further revision. (and you know how this kind of story ends) i have ironed not, and a mountain awaits. i have read nothing i was supposed to have read, although i polished off three of the watch books last night. otherwise i've sat around concocting awful puzzles for someone. the thought of having to wait till the end of november for another break is killing me. and i seem to have lost my fountain pen, to which i am very attached. and housing should not bang on people's doors when they are in a state of dishabille. ah well. more later, when i survive the meeting with prof felski.

i have come back from felski. didn't say quite all the things i wanted to say; somehow they all fly out of my head when i'm in the presence of her.that wasn't to say she wasn't nice to me. just that i don't think i have improved her opinion of me any, her previous opinion being that i am an inarticulate wimp with no confidence. also she confirmed my fears about my essays, and said it would be a lot better to have had more theory classes and a 400 level theory paper. our class was just an intro, afterall. but she said she'd look over those essays, and also offered to critique my personal statement, and dispensed a lot of advice (including to get hold of the lingua franca guide to grad schools, but i was able to simply tell her that i've already got it! aha) i am starving so i will go get food. and then to greek!