i must be getting old. even though i've been excited about colours of life for months and still am, and although i'd bought tickets at least 5 weeks ago, for once i just can't make myself leave home. if i do go i wouldn't regret it at all - i love sdt, i am particularly keen on the pieces they'll be putting on tonight, and i haven't been able to go to their regular season performances for the four years i was at college...and yet i'm tired out by the idea of dressing and going down to town, and the walk through citylink, the esplanade crowd - i expect the esplanade will be overflowing tonight - this is also the weekend of the sso christmas concert...and there's a thunderstorm i had to go out into. and i really didn't want to come home late in the end addy relieved me of the ticket, and even then i wondered if it wasn't like with return of the kings. then, both logic and inclination were against going, and yet i had the greatest fun. all the more for the ballet! still, half-unhappy, and limb-heavy, i went out to tampines to give yen her tickets and had a quick dinner at delifrance. before i got to tampines i had a sudden rebellious urge - to do something totally bimbotic like see dixiatie at tampines mall - but when i got there pushing through crowd and rain i only wanted to go on home...i hope i'll be revived for the pratchett party tomorrow...