from The Affair of the Lone Banana

GUARD: Everyone back to their own beds. Now then, Prisoner Seagoon, there is an English diplomat to see you.

BLOODNOK: Aeiough! Bleiough! And other naughty noises! Now - which one of you two is Eccles and Seagoon?

SEAGOON: I'm Seagoon except for Eccles.

ECCLES: And I'm Eccles except for Seagoon.

BLOODNOK: So, you're both Eccles and Seagoon except for each other!


BLOODNOK: I knew I'd get it out of you. I'm the British Chargé d'Affaires - Major Bloodnok, late of Zsa Zsa Gabor's Third Regular Husbands. I've managed to secure your release. I completely overcame the prison guards.

SEAGOON: What with?