the ants are now gone from the fridge, she says suspiciously.

when i was little i read a chinese book (for children!) about blue killer ants (lan se sha ren yi.) has anyone read it and know what i'm talking about? there were these two school boys who brought home a blue ant they discovered in the woods, and that attracted the rest of the carnivorous blue ant colony to their house. and one of the final scenes was of the boys escaping from the house by climbing out through the skylight, and their dog (which they had to leave behind, dogs don't climb ropes) was yelping in terror down below, and when they looked down from the roof they saw the ants had stripped the puppy down to its skeleton (there was an illustration of this.) i don't think i ever quite recovered from that book, and it gave me nightmares, although i have never developped a phobia of ants. i wonder why this is so.