from The Goon Show Series 6 Episode 25: The Fear of Wages (The Missing Regiment)

Burma, sixth of March, 1956.

Neddie Seagoon:
These Japs can't hold out much longer.

Major Bloodnok:
Oh, I don't know, this is the 14th year we've been fighting 'em.

Neddie Seagoon:
Don't worry, Major, they can't stand much more of your drunken singing and bottle throwing.

Major Bloodnok:
I'm only doing my duty, sir! And they'd better surrender soon, we've had no food or pay since that silly telegram.

Neddie Seagoon:
Telegram? What...? Give it here. [opens note] Um, "British 14th, Burma. Japan has surrendered, end of World War II. Book now for World War III." Dated: August, 1945?

Major Bloodnok:
Yes, yes, I, well, I've never shown it to you before because it was obviously the work of a practical joker.