i knew something of the monasteriales indicia, or at least i know of it, and passingly, in relation to some medieval riddles that involve hand signing, but i found this passage which lists some of the hand signs in eliot weinberger's new book.

If you want bread, put your two thumbs and index fingers together.

If you want cheese, put your hands together as if you were pressing cheese.

If you want raw vegetables, put your finger on your left hand.

If you want leeks, bore your finger into your hand, then put your hand flat to your nose as if you were smelling something.

If you want beans, put your index finger on the first joint of your thumb. If you want peas, put your thumb on your little finger.

If you want an apple, crook your right thumb into the middle of your hand and take hold of it with your fingers and life up your fist.

If you want a pear, do the same but spread your fingers.

If you want a plum, do the same but with your left hand, and stroke your fist with your index finger.

If you want cherries, put your left thumb on the joint of your little finger, then pinch it with your right hand.

If you want eggs, scrape with your finger on our left thumb.

If you want salt, shake your hand with your three fingers as if you were salting something.

If you want pepper, knock with one index finger on the other.

If you want honey, put your finger on your tongue.

If you want fish, move your right hand in the way a fish moves its tail when it swims.

If you want eel, move your right hand and then put it on your left arm, with the left hand stretched out, and stroke across it with your right hand, as if you were cutting it.


If you need a candle, blow on your index finger.

from "At the Sign of the Hand," in An Elemental Thing by Eliot Weinberger.