ariel and i have begun building our cardboard skeleton. (he sits patiently detaching the bone segments while i fit things together.) we've finished the skull, the spine, the ribcage (very tricky!), the clavicle and scapula (can't get it to attach to the back of the ribs.) the sacrum and the, hmm, i'm not sure what it is, the girdle shaped bits - are they the pelvis bones? - so far. i definitely feel like a bit of a frankenstein as the skeleton begins to take shape. we stopped last night when i got to the arms, because i don't really remember how the radius and ulna should fit together. (wasn't there a little hook where one of them meets the humerus, and the radius goes around (because it radiates?) good thing i'm not a supreme being creating humankind, because the way this fellow is turning out he's definitely got some kind of spine disease, not to mention trouble in most of his joints.