it will happen, it will happen. another of those falling book accidents. casualties: me, a bunch of cd cases, poor mouse, and the carpet, because a bottle of uncapped moisturiser went over too.

i have decided to keep up plundering the library, but depositing the loot in jared's room for the time being. i'm going to read as many as possible of the books i currently own for now, so that i will have less regrets when i tape up my boxes and go over the ocean - bring back, o bring back...i have lined up: c.s. lewis's the four loves, louis macneice's the strings are false, pratchett's science of discworld, margriet de moor's first grey, then white, then blue (yes, another shot, so i know if i should leave this here or bring it home for good, rebecca of sunnybrook farm, and a couple of short story writers. i am not entirely sure this will happen by friday, but i am trying.

books currently in piles of: have read, want to keep around for grad school, storing here, have read, can't live without, going home with and returning in a year, haven't read, don't want to bring home, better darn well read now so can be stored, haven't read, bringing home to read and bringing back, depending on how good. have read, not particularly fond of, going home and leaving it in the storeroom a.k.a what was formerly my room. unread books going on the plane with me. plus i'm getting confused i've got a bunch of gift books for people and they are rapidly disappearing into the whirlwind of pages here.

and i need to kidnap some boxes too.