aha! scroll to the bottom of the page - there are eight clips from a peter coke interview - they're very short (two minutes or less) but very well produced, and interview number four is the one i talked about before. the rest of them are very interesting too, i like the third interview (working with majorie westbury) and the sixth (performing "live") which reveals a side of radiowork we can't possibly have imagined, not now with our digitally-recorded programmes and editting equipment and inexpensive recording material - it's easy to re-record, edit, you don't wipe the tapes and begin all over...there isn't time to - and we don't have irs anymore - research the technological innovations in radio over the last 60 years. oh there are just so many interesting things in the world to learn about, i can't bear it. having to have a field instead of embracin the study of all things. if not for the library and the teachers i would live at home and take a simple, absolutely mundane clerical day job and use the rest of the time to research whatever i like, just like the 19th century autodidacts we were all reading about a while back.