was asking nohrnberg about enchanted boats and he said:

"When I was in college we talked about building a raft to float down the Kokosing river to the Ohio, and down the Ohio to the Mississippi, and down the Mississippi to New Orleans, a la Huckleberry Finn. But I think we realized that this was really just a vapour trip down the enchanted tide in Kubla Khan."

you know maybe i'm getting more and more keen on a river trip. adding camoens to nooteboom where i want to be is in lisbon, to see the tower of belem and to sail down the tagus (though not to the underworld!) and of course, aickman on the inland waterways - i want to go on a boating holiday on one of them - taking care, of course, like he says, not to dress for the asbestos mines, and raincoated.