su-lin complains that her students have found my blog and may use the information they glean from it to her disadvantage. i won't say anymore about venn diagrams and her predilection for dictators and her callous behaviour in punching holes in history notes, so her reputation is safe with me, but since the little buggers want to hang about, they might as well get something educational out of it.

1. minuscule is spelt with two u's and embarrass with two r's.

2. the strong accusative masculine singular adjective in old english ends in -ne

3. the four principal parts of first conjugation latin verbs follow this model: amo amare amavi amatum.

4. get your languages together while you're still young. if you wait till you're as old as we are you'll regret it profoundly.

5. for goodness sake, at the very least learn to read classical chinese prose.

6. the goon show is good for your soul.

7. although she is a wet hen, it is not as easy to get around su-lin as you might think. with sufficient bribery i will tell you exactly how to get around her, but you'll do well to listen to her anyway.