i was cleaning and turned up a load of IRS surveys. i wonder if i should give them back to people so they can be reminded of what they were like 10 years ago! von did one of mine in sec one, and he was POSITIVELY OBNOXIOUS! scrawled his answers in red probably-pilot-v5 ink and complained my survey had an ugly cover and told me he hated my subject!!!! and this was years before we knew each other!!!! shouldn't have let kenneth take the survey away with him; i could be posting it here now and spreading von's obnoxiousness to the four corners of the world....(when taxed with the evidence, von had first said he was youthful and ignorant, but changed tack and now sticks to proclaiming himself unpretentious and honest) and yan mei was at least as funny: she used the blank space in my survey to sign her name and added: "tan yan mei, the great of the greatest-great. ha! ha! ha!" o megalomania! and one of the boys left his telephone number! heh. von says why don't i call him now, and say, i suppose, do you remember doing an IRS survey 10 years ago? the girl who wrote it wants to have coffee with you! i have everybody's surveys! addy's! poach's! su-lin's! by the way, some of the things the boys wrote about the "ideal woman" would be most politically incorrect today...