completely inane and incomprehensible conversations 1.

whilte talking to both von and julian at once, on two lines.

me: who needs a hat full of sky?
julian: ME!
von: which of us are you talking to?
me: both of you! why do you think i said WHO needs a hat full of sky
julian: ME! i've been wanting it for WEEKS!
von: i think i've read it in chinese
me: in chinese?! wtf are you talking about!
julian:..and no one is giving it to me!
von: isn't it that taiwanese thing?
me: no, it's the newest pratchett!
von: yes, isn't that some taiwanese thing?
me: *wonders if von is absolutely barking mad* are you absolutely barking mad?
julian: what?
von: ok ok so what is a hat full of sky?
me: it's the sequel to wee free men!
von: but i haven't read wee free men yet!
me: i have both! i'll bring both!
julian: but i'll be gone by the time you get here! hour later....

von: you know i was thinking of a chance of sunshine
su-lin: what's a chance of sunshine
me: xiang zuo zhuan xiang you zhuan
su-lin: isn't that, turn left turn right?
me: in english it was a chance of sunshine
von:anyway you can see how i got them confused. they are very similar.
su-lin: oh yes sure, they are so similar...just how is a chance of sunshine like a hat full of sky?
me: because there is a hint of weather in both?