if it seems i have abandonned the chinese blog again, i have. i can't help it. until i have reliable chinese blogging software the technical aspects of it is more trouble than it is worth. anyway, that's just a very long preamble to say that 潘越云's 天天天蓝 is powerful and unusual for a song in that it conveys the maximum of allusive drama in merely 42 characters. (of course quibblers will say faye wong's 浮躁 has only 16 characters, but that's hardly the same kind of song, is it?

天天天蓝 叫我不想他也难

情是深 意是浓 离是苦 想是空

an evocative song that touches me everytime. the london symphony orchestra performed an arrangement of this song on one of their chinese cinema music albums, which was why i was thinking of it this morning.