OH! remember pratchett's victor? who carefully managed to get 84 on every UU exam and stayed a student wizard forever on account of the conditions his uncle's will? well i am sure pratchett has read richard gordon's book, or has seen the film of the book, or followed the radio series in his youth - that would have been in the mid-50s - because here's what went on this week in the radio series:

tony benskin's grandmother left to him in her will 2000 pounds a year for as long as he remains a medical student. so by attending just enough classes, behaving himself and carefully getting just enough marks to stay in school and be given a second chance, but not actually to pass, he has done, by this time, his first year four times over, and intended to continue getting through the six years of medical school at the same rate of progress. a lavish allowance, a large apartment and a bentley, all for doing very little work.

there we go, an analogue if not a source.