mistranslations of the week

i have never noticed this before when i was reading the disputatio pippini, because i always skimmed the dialogue and only really bothered with the riddles at the end, but aha! didn't they always say to eat your veggies?

pippinus: quid sunt holera? (what are cabbages?)
albinus: amici medicorum, laus coquorum. (friends of doctors and joy of cooks!)

well that should keep ariel very happy. then i looked up "holera" and realised "herbs" made a whole lot more sense.

but even better was the classmate who had streaking on his mind and mistranslated "viator sine vestigiis" as "traveller without clothing."

also, i am nearly positive that when the dialogue read "quid es frons?" (what is the forehead?) i heard jan ziolkowski mutter "they hadn't discovered botox."