speaking of castles in the air, or landlords without a house, as soon as i heard that von was applying to harvard business school next year, i leapt and told him we should start searching for an apartment immediately, but von had an even cleverer scheme up his sleeve! because the long awaited en bloc sale of his apartment has gone through at last, he intends to take the money and buy property in cambridge and become my landlord instead of housemate! the next thing you know we were haggling over the rent. von's position is that he will charge me market rate, but just think, i will have the scintillating pleasure of his company and the joys of his cookery, etc etc.

me: how can like that one? then i might as well rent from someone else right? kah kee nang must charge less lah!
addy: and if she runs off you know where to get the back rent from her parents.