i won't go as far as admitting to liking wang jie, but there is one song by him that i really like. can't remember which movie it was from, something about the emperor qianlong maybe? but really, how can i not like lyrics that are both gorgeous and depressing? and everyone knows i have a weakness for stories about entwined fates playing out in unfulfilled love and forced partings and reincarnation. 来生再续缘, it is called. reincarnation is such a consoling idea, in the same way the trousers of time are. maybe i should have dabbled a little more in chinese nstead. everything from liangzhu and honglou meng to su dong po's jiang cheng zi and stanley kwan movies fit the bill.

悲莫悲过人生短相思长 哀莫哀过相逢春已老 挥长剑无奈斩断情丝今生最恨 怨有情人伤别离 愁莫愁过秋雨落花飘零 痛莫痛过多情似无情 肠寸断不知酒醒何处今生无悔 叹我心悠悠谁人来怜 来生再续缘与你共缠绵 生生世世相爱 岁岁年年共渡 来生再续缘与你赴红尘 繁华落尽只愿比翼双飞 望不穿心事天涯 生死两茫茫 怪苍天戏弄人间如梦如烟