because i'd got yvonne onto eliot weinberger, and she said borders and kino didn't have any of his books, i thought i'd share this entry and link to the first three essays in karmic traces, which i'd found four years ago when looking for information about the auden and macneice collection letters from iceland, and about iceland in general.

i love jacket magazine, which is a one-man web-published literary magazine of considerable stature. here too, you can read lucas klein's review of victor segalen's stèles 古今碑錄, first published 1912, and which i think far more interesting than pound's project in creating a western version of chinese poetics. here also, a well-researched chinese analysis of the segalen steles project, focussing on segalen's biography (谢阁兰 was the name he gave himself, with all the connotations of ancient poetry therein), interest in china, archaeological work in china, and on the literary language of segalen, which, while perhaps a touch less convinced of the success of the segalen poetics, contains the less than grudging admittance that the barbarian writes well enough.

enjoy both articles!

also, you can see the original text of stèles / 古今碑錄, in full and annotated, at the wesleyan site.