i've only seen two movies in which nigel hawthorne starred. he and they were excellent on both occasions.

other movies watched this post-exam weekend (the last before the jaws of school, as oswald says, gape for its prey) were:

  • two way stretch (early sellers and lodge, the great jewel heist, with lots of amusing things that go wrong.)
  • annie hall (to get a nohrnberg reference, still good if a little little bit dated, not as neurotic as everyone says)
  • rear window (exquisite!)
  • duck soup (p's suggestion. goonish.)
  • sunset boulevard (ah...) princess bride (esme's idea - because susie morgenstern reminded her - in lieu of the book which is out of the library)
  • the sweet and lowdown (ah, still as good as i remember)
  • to catch a thief (not terribly keen on it, and always disliked cary grant's face)