i don't know why but i'm woozy. it is not lack of sleep, food or overworking. i slept plenty, i ate two big meals, and i did work that was hardly taxing like latin and my readings. i am not in the least drunk, high, or on any kind of medication, i have fresh air because my window is open, so unless my wallpaper is poisoned (not that i have any wallpaper) there is no good reason why my head feels very light and things are out of focus, or at least they seem to be abnormally-distanced the way, when you have the wrong pair of glasses on, the floor seems to be nearer (or farther) and objects protrude in your vision in a floating manner and you can't concentrate on a thing before it begins to hurt your head. perhaps i will go to sleep for a bit and see whether things are behaving when i wake up. hopefully i won't wake up for another 20 years. we were just reading rip van winkle for class on friday. okay i have found mouse and bear and louis the duck under the covers so we're all going to bed now. wan'an.