slept through all of the first day of classes without waking up once. oh well. there were only two classes i was thinking of shopping today anyway, and i already have too many classes i am thinking of trying. tomorrow i shall go to: donoghue's old english, ziolkowski's medieval latin wisdom lit, john picker's victorian cultural studies, richard thomas' pastoral, and ann rowland's british romanticism. monday i will go to phil fisher's prolonged attention in paintings and novels, and on tuesday i have spenser with teskey, latin paleography with tarrant and helen vendler's wallace stevens. wednesday is study card day, so i'm going to stop in on daniel albright's theories of modernism seminar and louis menand's 20th century intellectual history just to make sure i don't want to be there, and in case nothing has worked out before that. i am quivering with the desire to take ancient chinese philology, paleography and comparative grammar and phonology, but i have got to get a grip on myself and get on with classes which actually count towards my own program. argh. the things i shall audit when i get through the next two years, i tell you.