only the second week of school, and i have given up my long, unpartitioned weekends - i allowed myself to be pressured into an informal language study group which meets friday 2-4. still, it being an informal class, i could conceivably miss it when i need. and perhaps this unwelcome shortening of my weekend will make me use my time more wisely. (i said that all straightfaced! ha! ha!) it's true that as things are now, my weekend begins thursdays at noon: the day stretches out in front of me and i go to lunch and read children's books and rent movies and go to dinner parties for it is so obviously the first day of the weekend. i do no work and wake up on friday thinking how nice, it's saturday today, and continue bumming, for everyone knows that saturdays are for rest and recuperation. on the real saturday i wake up and say, why isn't this nice, this is saturday afterall! saturday night i say, hell! the weekend is nearly all gone and i have four classes' worth of work to do by monday! and go to pieces and then persuade myself i want to go to sleep. then sunday afternoon i collect myself and plunge into the accusing books and am every minute at death's door until wednesday night.

oho! the girl down the hall is playing elgar's cello concerto it just took me a very long time to recognise it. this shows that the playing is not particularly virtuosic at this time but i hope she keeps at it for it is a piece i have long been much enthralled by and if played well will have me camping outside her door.