i came upon this segment of the 1998 金曲獎 in which 張雨生's father receives, on his son's behalf, the award for best album for 口是心非. you can see he really didn't expect the win, and the speech he made was was so evidently that of an outsider's, proud of one's son, but bewildered, unaccustomed to being on stage, while his age, his dress, his accent, and those telltale signs of his ex-military background - when he kept saying 各位长官 out of habit - underscored those differences, and, as he got thrown off his stride later, reverting to that odd and distinctive humility that asian parents use when speaking of their children. and finally, when the father said, 雨生不能来了,我这个老爸代他领这个奖, i nearly cried at the understated words, because everyone present knew he could not be here tonight, knew why he could not be there tonight, and had loved him, and esteemed him, and that he was dead at 31, and here was his father, so unlike the rest of them, holding the award he should have won long before this, in those years in which he had shone.

two 張雨生 classics:

我期待. (also sung by 林志炫 and 阿信, and 范玮琪 and 楊培安.)

and one of his earliest songs which made him famous by the time he was twenty: 我的未来不是梦, sung here at a tribute concert by 楊培安. (i always like the line 追求一種意想不到的溫柔.) and footage of a very young 張雨生 (while still a serviceman) performing same (i believe used in a documentary commemorating the 10th anniversary of his death.)


我期待  有一天我会回来
回到我最初的爱  回到童贞的神采
我期待  有一天我会明白
明白人世的至爱  明白原始的情怀
我情愿  分合的无奈  能换来春夜的天籁
我情愿  现在与未来  能充满秋凉的爽快
say goodbye say goodbye
前前后后 迂迂回回 地试探
say goodbye say goodbye
昂首阔步  不留一丝遗憾

對自己的承諾 對愛的執著
我知道 我的未來不是夢