First Encyclical From His Grand Highness, Von I


Grand High Priest's Room
The Citadel Upon the Stump
25th September, 1997

I pronounce death unending upon the nefarious feudal dominatrix, Lye Su-Lin, her Three Green Wights, obviously agents of some demonic power, and her tissue-paper box.

The bard eternal, William Shakespeare did truly portrayed those agents of chaos, the THREE WITCHES clearly here in effigy in the form of the THREE GREEN WIGHTS! The BLASTED HEATH they worked their nefarious charms from is obviously the TISSUE-BOX! Indeed good worshippers and devotees of the Cult of Von, I have discovered the dominatrix's DASTARDLY PLOT TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

Stay tuned for the next update, when an armed head presents itself to my illustrious and most worthy self.

The Eternally Glorious One, The Undying King, Lord of the Vaults, Owner of
the Twelve Pots, Orderer of the Chow Mein,
Von I, Grand High Priest
The Cult of Von
For The Supreme Being (Von)

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